Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here I go again.....

Here I go again....around the same mountain, round and round and round. The mountain is, still, food. But you know, the more I think about it, it is more than just the food. I can't seem to get it through my thick head that the scale isn't a measure of victory for me. It isn't about making the food behave (low fat, sugar free, low number of points). Even though the food is "behaving", I am not. I am still overeating, dwelling on it, wanting it, being discouraged....round and round and round. It's a cycle. Weigh in, spend the week consumed with it, anxiously waiting for weigh day, hoping for low numbers, sometimes disappointed,sometimes happy...round and round and round. Yes, I have seen the scale move in the right direction. Yes, I have lost weight. This issue is, for me, a huge mountain that I can't seem to get over. I just keep going round and round and round. Not making progress. Still held captive.

"When we were at Mount Sinai, the L
ord our God said to us, ‘You have stayed at this mountain long enough. It is time to break camp and move on." Deut. 1:6-7.

Once again, I am amazed at God and how He speaks to me through His Word. God is telling me that I've struggled with this long enough. He wants me to "break camp and move on". I have never been mountain climbing before. I think I am ready to give it a try.


  1. My wife is currently in the process of making healthier lifestyle changes. While it's near impossible to ignore the scale, maybe you can take that obsession and turn it into something positive. Try not to focus so much on points or calories, but rather just on lifestyle changes and weight loss from day to day. On our fridge, she has a list of rewards for every 5 pounds all the way up to her goal of 40 pounds. Every 5 pounds includes a pedicure. It's something small and not very costly. Every 10 pounds is a little more significant. The 40 pound goal is a set of family pictures of both of us.

    Mountain climbing...I highly recommend it. I've been fortunate to do a lot of mountain climbing at the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM. It's definitely the most majestic and peaceful place that I've been to in the United States. I thought you might enjoy the lyrics to the Philmont Hymn:

    Silver on the sage,
    Starlit skies above,
    Aspen covered hills,
    Country that I love.
    Philmont here's to thee,
    Scouting Paradise,
    Out in God's country, tonight

    Wind in whispering pines,
    Eagles soaring high,
    Purple mountains rise,
    Against an azure sky.
    Philmont here's to thee,
    Scouting Paradise,
    Out in God's country tonight.

    Good luck with your goals. I'm sure you're doing great.

  2. I love the hymn! Thank you for the encouragement, Chip!

  3. OMG that inspiring. I usually try to find hidden meanings in what the Bible says and every day I find myself surprised at the new senses I can discover. When I travelled to Argentina, I decided to rent apartments in buenos aires and I had a very religious neighbour. She showed me her Argentine point of view of the religion and shocked me. They also interpret things differently!
