Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pursuing Him

Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love
will find life, righteousness, and honor. (Proverbs 21:21 NLT)

Reading this Scripture this morning really made me think about the word "pursue". Pursue means to go after, to seek, to follow as an example. I want to pursue Jesus. I want to go after Him. I want to seek Him daily. I want to follow Him as an example for my life. So far, I'm not doing so great. Last week I said I was going to get up 15 minutes earlier to read the Word. I did get up 15 minutes earlier. But satan did everything he could to distract me. The and out the door. Facebook. Not knowing where to start reading. Not having a plan. Thoughts of work. I am not giving up though. I just need a plan. I not only need a plan for bible reading but I need a plan for prayer. I gotta get moving. I am getting so tired of treading water. You know what I mean? It seems like I am always in planning mode. I have to start moving. Start pursuing actively. I have to knock the walls down. The wall of my flesh. The wall of my emotions. I have to knock them down so I can get moving. Like the Scripture says, if I pursue righteousness, I will find life. Life in Jesus. Abundant life. I can't wait!!

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